Phu My Bridge Over Saigon River

  • Location:Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • Category:Bridge
  • Client:Cardno
  • Detail:Detailing temporary works for cable-stayed bridge

This 705m long cable-stayed bridge spans the Saigon River in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam as an important transport link from the southern Mekong delta region to the central and northern parts of Vietnam. The project was privately financed with export credit guarantees from Germany, France and Australia. As part of the financing arrangements almost half of the contract expenditure must be in these three countries. Private sector infrastructure and export credit finance are a first for Vietnam.

Latter Rain sub-contracted to Cardno and was responsible for detailing 60 drawings for all the major temporary works items such as the form traveler for the 380m main span and the 145m high H-shaped main tower falsework.




Latter Rain